Tuesday, October 25, 2011

❤ Lucky Packet Design: Post-Ask Nanima Expo

Soul & Paper, Oranges and Lemons Health and NiQi were my co-expo stall holders.
We had a lot of fun for a dry, dusty and windy day.  Some of my scarf pins did not survive thanks to the wind blowing my display over on several occasions.  Shireen, my good friend, procured a rock from some odd area of the school and it helped secure my scarf pin stand.

Thanks to Saaleha of Soul & Paper, we have some lovely pictures of items from our stand!

The Lucky Packet
The Lucky Packet 
Scarf Pins
The Lucky Packet
The Lucky Packet
 clay brooch pins, pendants and fridge magnets

Soul & Paper
Stunning gift cards

Oranges and Lemons Health
Oranges and Lemons
Bath salts made from pure essential oils and
dried flowers (rose petals, lavender, etc)

niQi Living Luxe
Handcrafted tea towels

Please note that you can still order many and any of these items from the various links that I have posted above.  Otherwise, leave a comment below and I'll make sure the ladies all get your order! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

❤ Lucky Packet Design: Sneak peek - Hijaab/Scarf pins

The Ask Nanima Expo is the first time that The Lucky Packet will be selling goodies.
I am both nervous and excited at the same time.

Here's a sneak peek of some of the handcrafted hijaab pins that are up for sale at the expo.
Please visit our stall to check them out!

Unfortunately a special lady's work that I was supposed to showcase for the expo was withdrawn due to unforeseen circumstances.  However, like the Princess Charming's that they are, Saaleha from Soul&Paper and Naqiyah from NiQi have agreed to allow me to showcase their amazing pieces of work at my stall.  Yes, you can buy Saaleha's gorgeous cards and shweshwe notebooks and Naqiyah's beautiful tea towel sets from me on the day of the expo!  Please note that there aren't card facilities at the expo, so cash is a must.  If you don't have cash, some of the items might be available for order afterward (depending on what gets sold or not).

See you on Sunday, 16 October 2011 at Greyville Primary School, Lenasia.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

❤ Lucky Packet Design: Playing with clay and ASK NANIMA EXPO

There go my hearts, all in a row...

Playing with clay is such a stress reliever.  The cool texture instantly calms you down as you knead and mould the medium into whatever you wish.

This time I played around with making tiles, tags, brooches, fridge magnets and little odds and ends.

The Lucky Packet is getting ready for...

SURPRISE!  The Lucky Packet is finally debuting at the Ask Nanima Expo.  Come visit the stall to check out the new products and to also see the special category of 'Nisaa' (meaning Women in Arabic), where I will also be showcasing the amazing talents of other ladies in the community.  There will be some amazing Islamic artwork, paper products, clay products, some handmade scarves (my favourite item on show), handmade hijaab pins, etc.  I will be showcasing with Zaheda from Oranges and Lemons Health, who will be selling her herbal oils for special blends for oil diffusers, massage, and of course, her special bath salts.  Saaleha from Soul&Paper will be displaying her amazing creations as well    Please pop in to say hello! :)